
Garden decking and pergola for cottage in Meonstoke

Just completed new decking with pergola for clients in the centre of Meonstoke village. This was slightly unusual in that it is built over a septic tank which requires access for maintenance and emptying. In the centre of the deck there are three panels that lift out to provide access. Client opted here for hardwood which I think looks fabulous - and will retain its looks and integrity for many many years.

Cottage hall and living room redecorated

Returned again to the New Forest for this client to redecorate beamed hall, living area and downstairs cloakroom in mostly Farrow & Ball modern emulsion. This property alone takes a month of my time every year. Don't we just love old buildings! I am back there in July to repair hardwood decking and decorate a small conservatory area.  Lost photos of this one!

Painting and new flooring for office currently used as a gym!

I was asked to paint this office area - which is currently used as a gym.  As it was an old building - and a slightly damp room - a fair bit of replastering was needed, and some damp-resistant coatings along one wall.  Whilst at it we decided a new floor was needed, which required taking up the old rolls of carpet, laying new 9mm hardwood ply to create a flat surface on the mix of boards and render, and finally laying a new commercial-grade carpet to match the adjoining areas. The pictures here sent to me by the client show the room all ready to go with exercise bike and water bottles at the ready!